3 Ways to Address the Fear Stopping You from Reaching Your Goals
While it is not easy to admit, the thing that keeps most of us on that proverbial hamster wheel, living a life that does not feel aligned with who we KNOW, in our heart of hearts, we were created to be, is FEAR.
The Courage to Move
When we take the time to look back, we can choose to focus on the bumps and bruises that happened along the way OR we can choose to celebrate the successes of a soul that was willing, open and excited in spite of the bumps and bruises.
Want Success? Start with Your Environment.
Our success does not hinge solely on being the most focused, determined being who has walked the earth. It goes deeper than that.
Inspiring, Impressive & Motivating….That’s ME!
Life is not about showing up perfect every day. Life is about showing up as the best version of you that you have to offer today and allowing the Divine to be your guide as you move.
Your Side. My Side. The Truth.
The first step toward healing relationships is acknowledging where mistakes have been made...in YOUR actions.
Permission? Granted.
What would happen if you stopped waiting on permission from others to live your life and just made the decision to LIVE?
Challenging Chats
When you look at your feelings and explore how you respond to and treat others, you are taking steps to strengthen relationships.