Thriving At Home

When you think about your current home, what FEEL-ings come up? 

While it might be nice to have a home that looks like it came right out of one of those HGTV fixer-upper shows, what is most important about your space is how it makes you FEEL….TODAY. 

When our space feels good, we sleep better, are more productive, feel more at ease and so on. That is why it is important to do a periodic “Space Audit”. 

Take a moment to walk through each space in your home (even if you’re in a studio apartment) and identify which areas make you feel happy, at ease, comfortable, etc. What areas spark feelings of discomfort, frustration or blah? 

If you could change one thing about OR add one thing to your space to make it feel more welcoming to your spirit, what would that be? NOTE: That could be a throw pillow, blanket, candle, picture, book, etc. 

Once you have completed your space audit, take a moment to set an intention/plan around what you will add and when. And THEN set the intention to do this a few times a year to ensure your space continues to feel aligned with your spirit. 

Want to talk more about WHY it’s so important to own and honor your space? Let’s talk about it! Schedule a complimentary chat where we will talk about what you need to feel at home and why.


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