THIS Is How I Take Over MY World!

What would you say if someone said, “Hey! You’re a lovely person, but you just don’t have what it takes to be the kind of great you want to be.” 

What if the message was, “Your dreams are cute but unrealistic so you should just let them go.” 

OR, “That sounds like a great idea, but you might be too old to start over or do something like that.” 

My hope is that you would look that person in the eye, laugh in their face and then happily go back to checking things off of your “This How I Take Over MY World” list. 

But that’s not always the easy thing to do. 

It can be challenging to believe you have what it takes and move with that (unshakable) belief…ESPECIALLY when questioned by someone you care about/respect. 

But why? 

It’s because you have become disconnected from your authentic voice, your internal compass. 

It is your internal compass that guides the directional path to you goals, dreams and overall purpose in this life. 

So how do you (re)set your compass? 

Remember That Everyone Gets Off Course

When we need to adjust course, we have to be willing to accept the fact that WE ALL get off course from time-to-time. This does NOT mean you won’t make it to your destination. What it DOES MEAN is that you hit a bump and that, with a little rerouting, you CAN and WILL get back on track. 

NOTE: Are you wondering what rerouting might look like? Well, it includes everything that encourages you to pause, to think about where you are and then reconnect to and/or check in with your body. This could be everything from deep breathing to scheduling a coaching call with me. 

Focus On Releasing Extra Baggage

The time you take to accept what is then helps you make room to become more aware of the extra baggage that slows you down. 

As you prepare to reroute, it is highly likely that you will start having throughs about all the times you’ve veered off course. Those thoughts can make it easy to tell yourself that the naysayers are right, that you don’t have what it takes. 

Bah, Humbug! 

You absolutely have what it takes! The key is to be intentional about releasing ourselves from those old stories that try to convince us otherwise. 

And guess what… When you release the old baggage, it makes room for new, exquisite pieces (a.k.a. stories) that align with your authentic path. 

NOTE:  Don’t get discouraged, this is a lifetime exercise. 

Let Yourself Enjoy the Ride

OK. Now that we are clear that a reroute is a normal part of life and have fresh luggage to safely hold the things we truly NEED, it’s time to embrace a Beginner’s Mind(set). 

Beginner’s Mind allows you to approach each experience unattached to what happened in the past, focused on the magic you can create RIGHT NOW, seeing everything as a new experience. In this space, you are able to sit back and enjoy all that your journey through this life has to offer, reroutes and all. 

As you focus on (re)connecting to your compass, it can be helpful to have support in making the mindset shifts necessary to keep moving forward. 

If you feel like you would benefit from additional guidance on your journey, message me to set up your complimentary chat. 


I’m Not What YOU Call Strong


Pack Your Bags