It’s All Relative….

“I shouldn’t feel ____ (fill in the blank with any (alleged) negative emotion) because other people have it worse. 

At a time when life felt like the BIGGEST struggle for me, that was often my thought pattern. What I was going through didn’t deserve space because other people had it worse. 

What I had to learn (thanks to a friend) is that BOTH can be true, valid and acceptable. NOT allowing space for BOTH means choosing to question your value. 

The next time you catch yourself comparing the depth of what you are feeling to someone else’s experience, remind yourself that you have capacity to honor your needs while also acknowledging the truth of someone else’s. 

P.S. - If you are the person who says, “Oh! But ____ has it worse.” Remind yourself that BOTH can be true. 😉

If you are struggling to acknowledge the depth and value of YOUR experiences and resulting feelings, Let’s Talk About It!

Click HERE to schedule your complimentary coaching call today.


Random Acts of (ME) Kindness


This…. Or Something Better.