Hit the Goal & then Hit Pause.
Who doesn’t love the HIGH that comes when we’ve accomplished a goal! It’s really a pretty spectacular feeling!
ESPECIALLY when you hit one of those goals that felt like an uphill battle that you had not been fully prepared to take on. Yes. The ones that came with myriad highs and lows that left you questioning whether you would EVER get to the end.
And then you get there!
You are exhilarated by the moment, proud of yourself for not giving up. You make a few phone calls to share the success and maybe even take yourself out for a special meal.
But then, two minutes later, that HIGH is gone and you set your sights on accomplishing the next big thing, forgetting one really important thing….
While it is important to set and achieve our goals, we miss the best parts of life when we spend our days chasing accomplishment after accomplishment.
We miss opportunities to connect deeply with ourselves and others, to fully understand the lessons in our missteps and to see the depth of our value as individuals.
As you set your sights on the things you want to accomplish, when you find yourself focused on chasing that next HIGH, give yourself permission to pause, to breathe deeply and bask in the awareness that this journey is not about the accomplishments, it’s about living in ways that help you get and stay connected to your authentic voice.
Are you struggling to (re)frame your mindset from one of accomplishment focus to alignment focus? Let’s talk about it. Click the ‘Book Online’ button at the top of the page to schedule a complimentary consultation where we will talk about how to help you GET and STAY connected to YOUR authentic voice WHILE accomplishing those big, amazing goals!